Search results for "pomalidomide"

  • Pomalyst

    Pomalidomide 1/2/4mg

    Pomalidomide is used to treat multiple myeloma (cancer resulting from a progressive blood disease). Pomalidomide is usually given after at least two other medications have been tried without success. Pomalidomide is also used to treat AIDS-related Kaposi sarcoma when other medications did not worked or have stopped working. Pomalidomide can also be used to treat Kaposi Sarcoma in adults who are HIV-negative.
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    C$ 14.37

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  • Hi.
    just want to say thanks for your promt and efficient service.. The tablets arrived well within the timeframe given.. Have passed on your address, dont know wheather its been used or not..
    Best regards... and happy St Patricks from the Irish in France.. - Kieran