Search results for "pomalidomide"

  • Pomalyst

    Pomalidomide 1/2/4mg

    Pomalidomide is used to treat multiple myeloma (cancer resulting from a progressive blood disease). Pomalidomide is usually given after at least two other medications have been tried without success. Pomalidomide is also used to treat AIDS-related Kaposi sarcoma when other medications did not worked or have stopped working. Pomalidomide can also be used to treat Kaposi Sarcoma in adults who are HIV-negative.
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  • Regarding the effect: I do notice an increase in bloodflow and a better stamina using the pills (I use 50mg). A side-effect I have noticed is that my nose clogs up so I seem like I have a cold for an hour or so after taking one pill. No other side-effects than that.