Search results for "benzalkonium-chloride-zinc-oxide"

  • Zincoheal®

    Vitamins And Minerals 1mg

    Zincoheal® Tab is an advanced formula of high concentration of essential nutrients, vital minerals and Zinc. Zinc plays a vital role in enhancing the immunity of the body. The ingredient Selenium is a powerful immune booster which guarantees a strong of immunity. This tab has nutrients which help advance healthy cell growth while assisting with the development and repair of tissues in all parts of your body.
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    € 0.37
  • Zinconia®

    Zinc 50mg

    Zinconia® tablet is a nutritional supplement which provides support in cardiac, tubercular, rheumatic and diabetic patients as well as those suffering from acute and chronic diseases. It mainly aids the absorption of calcium within the body. It helps in boosting the process of recovery from respiratory disorders. The tablet is utilized in treating all immune deficiency disorders. It also useful in facilitating the method of wound healing.
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    € 0.37
  • Rashfree®

    Benzalkonium Chloride, Zinc Oxide 0.1% + 8.5% 20g

    Rashfree® - cream, a brand of Benzalkonium chloride and Zinc oxide. Zinc oxide is a topical skin product that is used as a protective coating for mild skin irritations and abrasions. It can promote the healing of chapped skin and diaper rash. Zinc oxide works as a mild astringent and has some antiseptic properties. Zinc oxide is commonly used to prevent or to treat diaper rash by forming a protective barrier between the skin and the diaper.
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    € 13.92

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    A la question #1; Ai-je reçu la livraison du médicament comme demandé?
    La réponse est oui, et j'ai été impressionné par le temps avec lequel il a été livré chez moi; seulement 10 jours!
    A la question #2; Le médicament comble-t-il mes attentes?
    Là encore la réponse est oui! J'ai également été impressionné par votre site internet qui explique tout sur les commandes en dehors des Etats-Unis, la qualité des médicaments fabriqués dans les laboratoires Indiens, le(s) numéro(s) à appeler si la commande est retenue à la douane, et la facilité pour faire une commande. - Philippe