Search results for "udenafil"

  • Zydena

    Udenafil 100mg

    Generic Zydena - the drug udenafil, marketed under the trade name Zydena developed by Dong-A Pharmaceutical in South Korea. It is used to treat erectile dysfunction, it has fairly rapid onset of action with long duration (from 11 to 13 hours). The pills are available in 100 and 200 mg dosages. Udenafil is available in Korea and the Philippines.
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    € 8.30

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  • I received a partial shipment yesterday.
    The pills have always worked very expected.
    That's why I ordered from you again this year...just like last year.
    In fact, yours work better than the 50 mg brand name pills I still have!!
    An since your pills are scored (unlike the brand name ones that I have to use a knife to split), I can easily lower the dosage to 25 mg...which is all I need.
    Thank you for a great product at a reasonable price!