Search results for "olmesartan-amlodipine-and-hydrochlorothiazide"

  • Androxal

    Enclomiphene 50mg

    Eenclomiphene is a non-steroidal estrogen receptor antagonist in development for secondary hypogonadism in overweight men wishing to restore normal testicular function. Women who face pregnancy failure due to PCOS and ovulatory dysfunction is often recommended Androxal (Clomiphene) to rule out this condition.
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    € 0.84
  • Tribenzor

    Olmesartan, Amlodipine And Hydrochlorothiazide 20mg + 5mg + 12.5/40mg + 5mg + 12.5mg

    Tribenzor contains a combination of amlodipine, hydrochlorothiazide, and olmesartan. Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker that relaxes (widens) blood vessels and improves blood flow. Hydrochlorothiazide is a thiazide diuretic (water pill) that helps prevent your body from absorbing too much salt, which can cause fluid retention. Olmesartan is an angiotensin II receptor antagonist that keeps blood vessels from narrowing, which lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow. Tribenzor is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension).
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    € 1.86

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