Search results for "baclofen"

  • Fleqsuvy

    Baclofen 100ml

    Baclofen is used to help relax certain muscles in your body. It acts on the central nervous system (CNS) to produce its muscle relaxant effects. Baclofen does not cure these problems, but it may allow other treatment, such as physical therapy, to be more helpful in improving your condition. Each milliliter contains 1mg of baclofen ip.
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    Bds$ 60.53
  • Lioresal

    Baclofen 10/25mg

    Generic Lioresal is used to treat and relieve spasms and cramping of muscles due to a variety of causes, including multiple sclerosis or brain or spinal cord injuries.
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    Bds$ 1.68
  • Zanaflex

    Tizanidine 2mg

    Generic Zanaflex is used for treating muscle spasms. It may also be used to help in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury.
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    Bds$ 2.41

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  • I received a partial shipment yesterday.
    The pills have always worked very expected.
    That's why I ordered from you again this year...just like last year.
    In fact, yours work better than the 50 mg brand name pills I still have!!
    An since your pills are scored (unlike the brand name ones that I have to use a knife to split), I can easily lower the dosage to 25 mg...which is all I need.
    Thank you for a great product at a reasonable price!