Search results for "acetyl-l-carnitine"

  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine

    Acetyl-l-carnitine 500mg

    Acetyl-L-carnitine is also known as ALC. Some people with high blood sugar use it to help with cholesterol as well as nerve pain, such as tingling in their hands and feet. Others have used it to help stop cell damage. It may also help improve appetite and help the body turn fat into energy. Some people use it to improve their mood. People with blood vessel problems in their legs have used it to help them walk better and to walk with less pain. ALC may also help people with low carnitine levels to have a more normal level in their blood.
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    RD$ 77.20

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  • Well, I must apologize - I thought surely you were scamming me. But, all of a sudden, my mailbox overflows. I received one order on Thursday, 8 June, and then another on Saturday, 10 June. Almost 1 month from our first effort, but the postal service must be the culprits. With this double supply, you are now going to have to send me a couple of women, so the meds don't go to waste. How can we make this right? What would you like me to do? Thanks. I hope only good karma comes to you. - Curt