• Vinpocetine
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Vinpocetine (Vinpocetine)



パッケージ 価格 あたり タブレット 節約 ご注文
5mg × 120 タブレット
¥ 26558.86 ¥ 221.32 ¥ 8848.03 今すぐ購入!
5mg × 60 タブレット
¥ 17703.44 ¥ 295.06 今すぐ購入!

Vinpocetine tablet

What is this medicine?

Vinpocetine is used to enhance memory and increase brain metabolism. It has also been used for ischemia and reperfusion injury, and is considered a neuroprotective agent. However, there are few robust clinical studies to support the use of vinpocetine in stroke, dementia, or other diseases of the CNS.

How should I use this medicine?

Most clinical studies have used between 5 and 30 mg vinpocetine given up to 3 times daily due to a short half-life (2 to 4 hours).

How this medicine works?

Vinpocetine exerts antioxidant effects.


V. minor whole plant or extract is potentially contraindicated in constipation and hypotension. Avoid using in case of pregnancy and lactation. Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking. Traditional uses for lesser periwinkle include antilactagogue and emmenagogue. Caution is warranted in patients on anticoagulant medications.

What precautions are necessary while using Vinpocetine?

Vinpocetine is well tolerated. Minor adverse reactions include facial flushing, dry mouth, drowsiness, headache, insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, nausea, and indigestion.


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      ジェネリック製品Vは期待通りです。素晴らしい効果で   現状が更に良くなり、値段も適当で、   いつも使っています。 行為がうまくできるか、といった不安を   取り除いてくれます!
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