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Rashfree® (Benzalkonium Chloride, Zinc Oxide)

Skin Behandling

Rashfree® - cream, a brand of Benzalkonium chloride and Zinc oxide. Zinc oxide is a topical skin product that is used as a protective coating for mild skin irritations and abrasions. It can promote the healing of chapped skin and diaper rash. Zinc oxide works as a mild astringent and has some antiseptic properties. Zinc oxide is commonly used to prevent or to treat diaper rash by forming a protective barrier between the skin and the diaper.

Sending Pris Per rør Besparelse Ordre
0.1% + 8.5% 20g × 5 rør
kr 1111.31 kr 222.26 kr 1832.36 Legg i handlekurv
0.1% + 8.5% 20g × 4 rør
kr 1000.13 kr 250.03 kr 1354.81 Legg i handlekurv
0.1% + 8.5% 20g × 3 rør
kr 833.35 kr 277.78 kr 932.86 Legg i handlekurv
0.1% + 8.5% 20g × 2 rør
kr 777.75 kr 388.88 kr 399.72 Legg i handlekurv
0.1% + 8.5% 20g × 1 rør
kr 588.74 kr 588.74 Legg i handlekurv


What is Rashfree®?

Rashfree® - cream, a brand of Benzalkonium chloride and Zinc oxide. Zinc oxide is a topical skin product that is used as a protective coating for mild skin irritations and abrasions. It can promote the healing of chapped skin and diaper rash. Zinc oxide works as a mild astringent and has some antiseptic properties. Zinc oxide is commonly used to prevent or to treat diaper rash by forming a protective barrier between the skin and the diaper.

Directions for Use

Change wet and soiled diapers promptly. Clean the diaper area and allow it to dry. Apply the cream as often as necessary, with every diaper change, particularly at bedtime or when the skin may be exposed to wet diapers for a long period of time.

How it Works?

Zinc oxide provides essential nutrients for patients suffering from nutritional deficiencies.
Benzalkonium chloride works by killing microbes by breaking up the cell membrane which reduces the cell permeability thus killing the microbial cells and allowing preservation.

Common Side effects

Patients who take Zinc Oxide may suffer from such side effects:

  • Rash,
  • Urticaria,
  • Swelling of mouth,
  • Shortness of breath

Patients who take Benzalkonium chloride may suffer from such side effects:

  • Paralysis of respiratory muscle,
  • Convulsion,
  • Cyanosis,
  • Death,
  • Shortness of breath,
  • Muscle weakness,
  • Allergic contact dermatitis,
  • Apprehension,
  • Collapse,
  • Restlessness,
  • Vomiting

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