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Dosulepin (Dosulepin)


A Dosulepin antidepresszánsoknak nevezett gyógyszercsoportba tartozik. A Dosulepin depresszió kezelésére használják, és segíthet csökkenteni a szorongásérzetét is. Ezt a gyógyszert csak akkor használják, ha más gyógyszereket alkalmatlannak találtak.

Csomagolás Ár Per tabletta Megtakarítás Megrendelés
25mg × 180 tablettát
Ft 42200.63 Ft 234.45 Ft 67825.72 Kosárhoz ad
25mg × 120 tablettát
Ft 33022.59 Ft 275.19 Ft 40328.31 Kosárhoz ad
25mg × 90 tablettát
Ft 27515.76 Ft 305.73 Ft 27497.41 Kosárhoz ad
25mg × 60 tablettát
Ft 23844.55 Ft 397.41 Ft 12830.90 Kosárhoz ad
25mg × 30 tablettát
Ft 18337.72 Ft 611.26 Kosárhoz ad
Csomagolás Ár Per tabletta Megtakarítás Megrendelés
50mg × 180 tablettát
Ingyenes Légiposta
Ft 56151.25 Ft 311.95 Ft 64888.74 Kosárhoz ad
50mg × 120 tablettát
Ft 41833.51 Ft 348.61 Ft 38859.82 Kosárhoz ad
50mg × 90 tablettát
Ft 36326.68 Ft 403.63 Ft 24193.31 Kosárhoz ad
50mg × 60 tablettát
Ft 27515.76 Ft 458.60 Ft 12830.90 Kosárhoz ad
50mg × 30 tablettát
Ft 20173.33 Ft 672.44 Kosárhoz ad
Csomagolás Ár Per tabletta Megtakarítás Megrendelés
75mg × 180 tablettát
Ingyenes Légiposta
Ft 99104.48 Ft 550.58 Ft 65990.11 Kosárhoz ad
75mg × 120 tablettát
Ingyenes Légiposta
Ft 70468.99 Ft 587.24 Ft 39594.06 Kosárhoz ad
75mg × 90 tablettát
Ingyenes Légiposta
Ft 57803.30 Ft 642.26 Ft 24744.00 Kosárhoz ad
75mg × 60 tablettát
Ft 44036.24 Ft 733.94 Ft 10995.29 Kosárhoz ad
75mg × 30 tablettát
Ft 27515.76 Ft 917.19 Kosárhoz ad

Prothiaden tablets

What is this product?

Prothiaden (Dothiepin) (the active ingredient is now known as dosulepin hydrochloride) is a tricyclic antidepressant medicine that is used to treat patients affected by depression and anxiety. Drowsiness may occur as a result of taking this medicine, and for this reason, many doctors recommend it for patients diagnosed with anxiety disorders who are agitated and have difficulties related to sleep.

Other similar disorders may also be treated by it, and it has been studied for chronic pain disorders, nerve pain and other similar conditions. Some patients have even taken it for migraine, to prevent headaches and other symptoms. When used for depression, this drug acts in the brain cells, and helps to prolong and extend the effects of neurotransmitters, thereby helping to relieve depression.

Dosage and Administration

Prothiaden (Dothiepin) comes in the form of tablets, which contain 25mg of the active ingredient. When you visit your doctor, instructions related to dosage will be given to you. In some cases, your dosage may be adjusted by your doctor, however, it is important not to take any more tablets than your doctor tells you. Patients should note that this medicine will not work instantly, and 2 to 4 weeks of treatment may be necessary before the medicine begins to fully work. Suddenly ceasing treatment may cause withdrawal symptoms, and in order to prevent this, the medicine must be gradually stopped.

Side effects

Patients who are undergoing treatment with Prothiaden (Dothiepin) should be aware of the fact that some side effects may occur, and a list of examples is given here:

  • Sweating
  • Weight gain
  • Blurred vision
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Problems affecting sexual function

Any side effects that occur should be reported to a doctor. Although rare, serious side effects may occur, such as extreme changes in mood and other reactions not listed here. You must seek medical treatment immediately if this happens.


This medicine must never be taken alongside a mono-amine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) or within 14 days of stopping one, as this could cause a very serious drug reaction. Tell your doctor about all medicines you are taken, and any medicines which you have stopped taking recently.

Doctors usually tell patients to avoid alcohol while taking this medicine, as consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause an increase in drowsiness.

Seek immediate emergency medical attention if you suffer an allergic reaction. Symptoms to watch for, which may be indicative of a reaction, include skin rashes, hives, swelling of the face or limbs, trouble breathing, and trouble swallowing.

Always use Prothiaden (Dothiepin) as you have been prescribed by your doctor. Never self-medicate or change your dosage without first consulting your doctor. The correct dosage can vary depending on your health, medical history, and the severity of the condition being treated.

This medication may not be safe for all patients. Before you begin using it always disclose the following to your doctor:

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • If you suffer from any allergies.
  • If you suffer from any other health conditions or illnesses.
  • If you are using any other medicine (including all non-prescription).
  • If you are using any supplements, vitamins, or herbal products of any kind.

Warnings and Precautions

1. If you have an allergic or hypersensitive reaction, seek emergency medical attention.

2. Possible symptoms include difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, swelling, chest tightness, skin rashes, and hives.

3. This medication should only be used as instructed and prescribed by your physician or pharmacist. Do not alter your dosage unless specifically instructed to do so by either of the above.

4. Dosage and usage often depends on the severity of the condition, as well as the patient’s medical history and current health condition.

5. Before you begin using this medication, ensure your physician is aware of the following:

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • If you have any allergies.
  • If you have any other illnesses, disorders, or medical conditions.
  • If you are using any other drugs or medication.
  • If you are using any vitamins or supplements.

Ország, nyelv, és pénznem

  • A héten megérkezett a rendelésem. Köszönöm szépen. Biztosan fogok még rendelni önöktől!!!!! A feleségem kifejezetten megörült a hatásának és nekem is... ismét 18 évesnek érezhettem magam. Nagyon köszönöm. Még biztosan hallanak felőlem :) - Dávid